Many gives different explanation for leadership.
I have only one explanation:
A leader is the one who creates more leaders.
A leader inspires his subordinates.
A Good leader is proud of his honesty.
His honesty will be so huge that people who interacts with him mistakes his pride of honesty as a pride of Ego.
A honest leader is always branded by people who are normal and less honest as someone who has ego, pride and attitude.
A honest leader will never worry about what others say about him. When assigned a task, He forgets other things and gives his full focus on that task.
Subordinates will love to work under such leader.
They will be inspired to become future leaders.
A leader will work in such a way that, even his absence the company will never be affected. He will set things perfectly right for the company to operate even under his absence.
A good leader is hard to find.
Find the right leader for your company, Your company will take care of itself!
In One sentence, A manager manages, A leader creates more leaders.
Be a #leader in your #job , Your #career will take care of itself