If you are a local business and trying #localseoo do not get greedy and rush to buy reviews from fake review sellers through #fiverr .

How to Get a #positive #localseo Signal for your #local business
Check the reviews of similar business around you.
Do not try to get more reviews than them if you are a new business. #googlebot in my opinion is clever enough to understand this signal – If businessess around you are getting only x amount of reviews for your business, you being a new business can never suddenly get 10X 20X times reviews than businessess around your area. This will surely give a negative signal in my opinion for Local SEO. It can easily corelate this reviews to the number of driving location request to your business. If there are 10 Driving requests on Google map to your local business and you get 100 reviews for your local business, then you are showing yourself as a stupid spammer.

Do not Spam
Do not Spam by converting your service into a Product and then listing this spam product on your #GMB

Ask Customers to Search for your “Prime Keyword + Business” on
When a customer calls you for appointment, Instead of asking them to visit your site and book, Send them your #GMB link and ask them to click via the appointment link.
Even better, Use a search query –> Example: “Massage therapy, Toronto + Your Business name” on Google Maps, Your business will now be listed as first. Copy this link and create a #linkedin short link (LI shortlink is better than any other #shortlink services). and send to your customer and ask them to click the appointment link from here. This will look like the customer is searching for your service on Google maps and may give a positive signal.

Things to Know before you start doing #LocalSEO:
Google knows the number of driving requests to your #localbusiness from your customers.
Google knows the reviews that your competitor got around you.
Google knows how your customers interacted with similar business around you.