Google Ads PPC – TIP: Intent Optimization

While Creating a structure of your Ads campaign, Its usual that you would first create a list of Negative keywords. If your business is focussed around Transactional Keywords, Its obvious that you will have Informative keywords as “Negatives” .

Examples like: how to, Tutorial, pdf, brochure, training, manual etc will mostly be used as negatives. Many of the companies that I consult, dont have negatives at all anyways.

There are chances that people searching for informative keywords might still become a customer in future. But they are not relevant to your business now. In such cases, Use these keywords as negatives in all your campaigns, But, Create a separate campaign that focus only on Informative keywords and redirect the visitors via PPC to your blog that has a vast content on such keywords. This will give you visitors for cheap as it will have good quality score because of keyword related to your landing page and also a chance that these visitors might become your paying Customers.

#intentoptimization #googleppc #seo #searchengineoptimization #customerintent