Happy Child means Happy world


Doing work with passion is not as effective as doing a work naturally. Passion may wither and go. But doing …

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The Incest WOrld

Sperm donations and children that was delivered through such donors will lead to huge genetic diseases in future due to …

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We should not be kind, caring expecting that people should respect us in return. Kindness, caring and being responsible to …

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Hope – Part 2

Part 2 – Hope   Continuation from Part 1 here  Nowadays children are hesitant to look after their own #parents …

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The unique Lies

Its funny seeing HR’s/Founders asking “what makes you unique” in most of the #linkedin #remote #digitalmarketing & #SEO jobs that I apply. The question should be …

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bad parenting

Bad Parenting

“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is …

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