How many pages can we request for indexing in Google search console in a week or a day

How many page we can request for indexing in search console in a week or a day

The Google Search Console allows you to see how many pages we can request for indexing in a week or a day. It also provides information on crawling and indexing errors.

In order to get the most out of the Google Search Console, it is important that we understand what each section means. The first one is “Crawling” which refers to how many pages were crawled by Googlebot (the crawler) during the last week or day. The next one is “Indexing” which refers to how many pages have been indexed during the last week or day. The third section is “Ranking” which refers to how many pages have been ranked in top 100 results for queries related to your site during the last week or day.

You can find this information in Search Console under Crawl > Crawl Settings > Advanced Settings > Crawl budget.

Read the Full thread here

An AI Generated Song based on the above Answer
Search engine, search engine
Tell me what is the index rate today?
Search engine, search engine
Tell me how many pages can I request for indexing today?
If I make a mistake, then the Search Console will tell me
If I have an issue with crawling or indexing, I can fix my problem.
So many pages need to be indexed and crawled, so
I'll do it one by one.
I make sure to use the Search Console every day.

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