- Dear Parents
- Do not let your child to chase his dreams.
- Its not freedom.
- Do not force your child to chase your dream.
- Its a prison for him.
- Prepare him to become mentally mature.
- Prepare him to be prepared with alternatives in worst case scenario. Not always everyone achieves their dreams.
- Enable them to think outside their dream.
- Do not dream for them.
- Do not force them to grow wings so that they can fly. Enable them to construct a ladder, so that they know success is a step by step process.
For Example, here this Song:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rsI17n6i3E[/embedyt]
Perfect chorus , Great music and all the legends singing together in 139th Thyagaraja Aradhana – 1986
The hard work and the efforts they had put is because of the dedication and their passion.
Teach children to be passionate, but at the same time dont let them fully focus on chasing after their dreams. Not everyone are lucky. Only a few achieve the dreams. The rest watch and clap for their achievements like you and me.
So, tell them to focus on alternatives. Even in war, they think of alternatives (Plan B) in case of failures.
Compulsorily put your children in music/art class (Native music is the best) and do not allow them to watch junk TV, movies and rhymes till they reach the age of 9. Allow them to be creative and put them in arts, music and creative classes